Hi, I'm Ana
Self-healing Specialist, Physical Therapist, Mind-Body Coach, Intuitive Healer, and Visceral Manipulation Practitioner.
Physical Therapist
For over 17 years, I have been empowering clients to heal from chronic pain, take control of their health and get their life back.
After healing holistically from cancer, I committed my life to building a self-healing movement. I have written a best-selling book, Ignite Your Inner Healer. I am also an international speaker and have been featured on NBC, A Teaspoon of Healing podcast, and the Annual NC Lupus Summit. You can find me teaming up with wellness experts to explore a range of healing modalities on my “Be Healthy with Ana” podcast.
I host monthly workshops inside "Be Healthy Academy", a holistic health mastery program. And my students learn how to blend science and holistic healing to rewire the brain and reconnect with the body to make changes that last.
As you can tell, I’m passionate about making self-healing available to everyone. Because I believe that we all deserve a life free from chronic health issues.
Read more about my personal journey that led to my career below…
Ana's Personal Journey
When I was a teenager in Brazil, I discovered the remarkable capacity of combining body, mind, and soul for profound healing. It all began when doctors informed my family that my adopted brother Luis would never walk or live a normal life.
Luis had been adopted when he was two weeks old. He was abandoned by his birth parents, extremely premature, and near death when my mother found him at an orphanage. At 9 months, Luis was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. He was unable to sit or hold his head up. My family was told he would be confined to a wheelchair. My mother, an intuitive healer in Brazil, knew that Luis would get better.
In fact, my entire family had faith that anything was possible but knew in our hearts that we were the ones that had to make it happen. We committed all of our time, energy, and resources to help Luis.
We agreed that Luis’ body could heal itself if it was directed in the path towards healing. It was also essential to engage Luis’ mind and his spirit in total support of his healing. Luis did every therapy under the sun for the first years of his life.
At the age of 5, as I watched on beaming with joy, Luis took his first steps. Today, not only can Luis walk on his own, he is functional and is attending a university in Brazil.
This miracle changed my life forever. Luis' journey made such a profound impact on me that I immediately knew it would become my career to educate people on the importance of connecting the mind, body, and soul in order to heal completely.
I became a licensed physical therapist in my home country (Brazil) in 2007 and moved to the United States the following year in order to further my education and expand my expertise. In 2015, my profound interest in healing the whole body led me to pursue certification as a Professional Coach and Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Master Practitioner, which made an excellent addition to my already innate ability to heal energetically.
In 2018, I moved from Los Angeles, CA, to Charlotte, NC, where I continue to provide unmatched experience, knowledge, and skill across multiple disciplines.
My wonderful husband, Chris, and my precious dog Pepe have been exploring the beautiful state of North Carolina.