As Seen On:

Everything You Need to Take Control of Your Wellbeing is
Right Here, in One Place.
Wellness Challenges, LIVE group coaching, Training, Community, and MORE!
"Ana has helped me get my life back!"
Ana is AMAZING! I endure a rare condition and Ana has helped me get my LIFE BACK!!!!!
What makes this program stand out amongst the crowd? The group coaching encourages and motivates me… I am amazed and very fortunate to have one of the best. I can't thank Ana enough!

North Carolina
YOU are the expert when it comes to the body you live in.
But after trying to find answers to your health challenges, you’re probably feeling anything but “empowered”.
You’re not alone. An estimated 126 million adults (55.7%) reported some type of pain in the last 3 months.
That’s unacceptable!
Does any of this sound familiar?
If so… keep reading! Relief is just a click away.
You’ve been pushing through a chronic issue for years, like exhaustion, anxiety, back pain, neck pain, digestive problems… and you’re sick of the health roller coaster.
You feel like your years are catching up with you… none of your old tricks are working to help you feel energetic and healthy. Now what?
You’ve signed up for more diets, shakes, supplements and exercise programs than you can count, but you’re simply NOT seeing the results you want. Yo-yo diets just don’t work for you.
You’re curious about a holistic approach to overall wellness, but you have no idea where to start.
You’re not sure another doctor, diet, or health trend can help you, and you’re ready for REAL, SUSTAINABLE results.
You’re tired of wasting time, money, and energy on methods that give you zero permanent results.
Good news! I’ve helped my clients break through the health hamster wheel over and over again.
I’m so excited to bring you all the training, practices, and live support you need – at a fraction of the cost of copays, medications, and stacks of self-help books.

Created By A Health Care Professional, & Designed for You to Pick and Choose the Wellness Path that Works for YOU!

Lucia S.
“My allergies decreased by 90%”
Truly the best of the best! I learned that I can reach all of my goals. I feel more positive and empowered.
“I learned to take control of my health!”
Just a year ago I felt lost, mentally and physically in such a bad place. Since joining the Academy in January 2021, I learned to meditate, take control of my health, my sleep patterns, my nutrition, and my relationships in life. Ana has taught me so much! PT has put off a knee surgery that I thought was the “only way”. . . I feel like a new person. Ana has been a blessing to me and a wonderful life and wellness coach as well as a physical therapist. I will always be grateful to her.
Belinda Cobb
Dani Deus
Theta healer
“My body aches have improved by 80%”
My results are so wonderful that I can't help sharing. I arrived with depression, anxiety, overweight, alcoholism, and acute fibromyalgia. I could barely walk because I was in pain 24 hours.
Today, I no longer have depression and my anxiety decreased by 90%, my body aches have improved by 80% and I already do things I never thought I would do again… I lost 12 pounds without even dieting!
“I have eliminated 95% of my pain and 100% of my fatigue”
I have lived more in the last three months than I have in the last 3 years! … Be Healthy Academy has been a treasure trove of wellness information and healing techniques.
I have learned so much about healing and a variety of techniques that I can do on my own to heal myself. I feel like I have finally found my tribe! The Be Healthy Academy has increased my ability to "live" the techniques that Ana teaches. Thank you Ana for offering such great content!
Jennifer Garcia, M.A. Clinical and Counseling Psychology
*Some of my clients prefer to keep their name and photo confidential, and we ALWAYS honor our client’s confidentiality here! Names and photos only posted with explicit permission.

We cannot disconnect the mind from the body any more than we can disconnect the shoulder from the head! But the traditional medical model only treats the body, leaving out your most powerful healing tool - your mind.
My students in Be Healthy Academy learn how to blend science and holistic healing to rewire the brain and reconnect with the body to make changes that last.

Based on my 16+ years of working with clients, I’ve organized the Academy into a self-healing path that works
I want you to be successful, not overwhelmed! That’s why the Academy is organized into a 5-Phase "Self-Healing Path" to health mastery.

When new members come to the Academy, they’re often in the Discovery stage. They’re realizing they need to take the faith of their own health into their own hands.
The moment they step inside our doors, our members enter Phase 1 of the Self-Healing Path: Create a new plan for their health and life.
Then, they journey through the 5-phases of self-healing, all the way to total mind and body health mastery!
I created the Academy to make holistic healing - and personal coaching - available to everyone who wants to change their lives.
Can you imagine how it would feel to be the captain of your health ship . . .
instantly upon joining us?
What’s In The Be Healthy Academy?
A Holistic Science-Based membership for everyone ready to take control of their health and heal from chronic pain.
Interactive live (virtual!) meetings twice a month (workshops, coaching group, Q&A) to provide support and motivation
My Signature Step-by-Step Course: “Heal From Chronic Pain”
Holistic library with 200+ simple video lessons with actionable practices to create lasting changes
Printable worksheets and PDFs to support client’s healing journey
Meditations and practical techniques to calm the nervous system
A virtual and supportive community to connect with other chronic pain sufferers
Q&A with a healthcare professional with 16+ years of experience
Wellness challenges and accountability
All virtually accessible from the comfort of home!
Inside the Be Healthy Academy, you’ll learn techniques to help common chronic health issues:
Lower Back Pain
TMJ and Face Pain
Migraines and Headaches
Neck Pain
Trouble Falling or Staying Asleep
Lack of Focus and Brain Fog
Chronic Physical Pain
Digestive problem
Chronic fatigue
Stress and Other Emotional Issues that Impact Your Well-Being
Yo-Yo Dieting
...and MORE

The first step to igniting your self-healing: choosing
your own path through the Be Healthy Academy!
The Be Healthy Academy Holistic Learning Library, at Your Fingertips
Stressed? Chronically exhausted? Back pain? Neck pain? Migraines? …I get it!
The Be Healthy Academy is packed with video trainings tailored to your wellness goals.
No more sorting through Google results to find solutions to your chronic issues. You can count on the Be Healthy Academy trainings to be well-researched and science-backed.
Click on each tab below to see some topics we cover inside the Academy:
Create Healthy Boundaries and Access Your Body Intelligence
Overcome Inner Blocks and Keep Negative Thoughts Away
Overcome Emotional and Physical Triggers
Identify and Release Old Patterns and Habits
Goal Setting and Tools to Track your Progress
Technique to Befriend Your Body
Sabotaging Behaviors that Affect your health


Rachel Niemiec
“...Seeing someone else’s post inspires me to take action! The biweekly calls provide space for me to check in with myself which keeps me committed to my progress. Ana has new content each session that will challenge and energize me in the same breath. … It has had a great impact on my growth in just 2 months.”
Holistic Techniques to Rewire Your Brain and Heal Your Body
You’ve heard that you can rewire your brain and reconnect to your body.
Sounds amazing, right?
Maybe you’ve even followed Louise Hay, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and other pioneers who have shown us that we can heal ourselves through the power of the mind.
But how?
Inside the Academy, you’ll implement the techniques and practices that will finally make a lasting, sustained difference in your wellbeing and health. Finally. Your health, in your hands.

Monthly Challenges
33 self-care practices for the mind, body & soul
Meditations and Visualizations Tools
Techniques to Calm the Nervous System
Understanding Pain, and what to do about it!
Quick stretches that can improve your health
Simple brain boosters
"I am so thankful to Ana."
The tools we were given enabled me to quickly implement them into my daily life... In a few weeks, I became more present, more aware, and less stressed. I am so thankful to Ana. The change and achievements that have been made have been incredible. If you show up and commit to doing the work you will seriously reap the rewards. I am proof of that!!!!"

M.C. Charlotte, NC
Individualized Support So That NOTHING Can Stop You
Have you read every book, listened to every podcast, and been to a zillion doctors, specialists, and healers… but always end up back at Square 1?
What makes this different from online classes? You get real-time coaching through our community, group calls, and interactive breakout meetings

Through monthly challenges, LIVE group coaching sessions, and interactions in the Wellness Tribe, you’ll be able to get personalized, expert guidance along your path to well-being. Goodbye, square 1. Hello, energy and well-being for life.
Our Tribe is Committed to Your Success
Research has proven that people who participate in meetings are more likely to have sustained success and meet their goals.
Inside our Transformation Tribe, you’ll:

Get and stay motivated to meet your wellness goals

Stay accountable when you feel discouraged

Enjoy the company of people on the same journey as you

Do monthly challenges and group meetings together

Celebrate wins together, with others who truly understand your triumphs

Los Angeles - CA
“When you join this membership, it creates a sense of commitment. I am inspired when other members are moving forward. I already lost 30 pounds “
"Our “Tribe” as we call it is a magical place!
It brings a group of women and men together from all over the world, and for One and a half hours twice a month, we all feel as if we are in the very same room and that we could reach out and touch each other. . . I also consider my “Tribe” mates as friends... WE ALL care about each other.”
Certified Coach, Physical Therapist, Self-Healing Specialist

I am a self-healing specialist and physical therapist. For over 16 years, I have been empowering clients to heal from chronic pain, take control of their health and get their life back.
After healing holistically from cancer, I committed my life to building a self-healing movement. I have written a best-selling book, Ignite Your Inner Healer. I am also an international speaker and have been featured on NBC, A Teaspoon of Healing podcast, and the Annual NC Lupus Summit. You can find me teaming up with wellness experts to explore a range of healing modalities on my “Be Healthy with Ana” podcast.
As you can tell, I’m passionate about making holistic healing available to everyone. Because I believe that we all deserve a life free from chronic health issues.

Physical Therapist

This is for you if you...
Are willing to take personal responsibility for your health and your life
Want to get off the hamster wheel of doctors and medications
Want to express your true Soul's Mission in this lifetime
Are committed to personal growth and evolution
Are open to miracles
Want to be with people who are committed to living with energy and optimal wellness, no matter what’s been ailing you
Want to be able to learn anytime, anywhere so nothing can hold you back!
Are excited to master the techniques and practices that will help you get control of your health
Are ready to get your life back!

Jean Clair
Through her Be Healthy Academy, Ana provides many tools needed to improve my quality of life such as meditation, exercise, healthy recipes and encouragement. She facilitates zoom meetings two times a month with others who provide support, love and just BE THERE for each other! Give it a try! YOU will not be disappointed!💕🤗💗
You’ll get instant access to:
The entire Be Healthy Academy Library of holistic healing trainings
The practices and techniques that will give you lasting results
Access to LIVE health coaching with an actual healthcare professional
A tribe of like minded people committed to your success
“My light is beginning to shine bright again! ...My relationship with each of my sons is being nurtured and I finally feel HOPE after such a long period of sadness and darkness. The monthly Academy video calls are so informative, motivating, and uplifting. I love being part of a like-minded community of people, where I can share personal highs and lows in a safe environment. Ana gives assignments that help with goal-setting, making healthy boundaries, understanding our values, and much more. She celebrates our growth and accomplishments and inspires us to be the highest version of ourselves."
Deanna Scaldaferri (massage therapist, energy healer)
What is the Be Healthy Academy all about?Be Healthy Academy is a one-of-a-kind membership program. It is holistic science-based membership that blends pain science, mindset, nervous system regulation, and holistic healing to rewire the brain and reconnect with the body to make changes that last. Our goal is to empower clients to heal from chronic pain, take control of their health and get their life back. The Academy includes: - My Signature Step-by-Step Course: “Self-Healing Path: Heal from Chronic Pain” ~ 11 hours - Interactive live meetings 2x a month - Holistic library with 200+ simple video lessons with actionable practices - Printable PDFs to support self-healing journey - Meditations and practical techniques to calm the nervous system - A virtual and supportive community - Q&A with a healthcare professional with over 15 years of experience - Wellness challenges and accountability All virtually accessible from the comfort of your home! Visit for more details.
When and where are the live group coaching calls?We meet twice a month (usually the first and third Thursday of the month at 6pm EST) using Zoom (video conference) for 60-90 minutes. The recordings are uploaded to the membership platform (so you don’t miss anything!).
What do we do on the live coaching calls?Each coaching call is unique and customized for the current membership! You can bring your questions about the training and practices to get individualized support - that’s the power of this membership! Coaching calls may include themes around holidays or certain trigger times of year; meditations, visualizations and nervous system realignment practices; new teachings and current research rollouts… and so much more!
What if I fall behind?I believe in your pace, your timing, and your inner knowing. Part of becoming healthy is eliminating the shame of concepts like “falling behind” or “not doing enough”. We have plenty of members who find that sometimes, life gets in the way! Here’s the amazing thing about the live coaching and community aspects of the Academy: It’s SO easy to get back on the horse when you’re ready! We are all here for you to help you pick right back up where you left off.
How much time do I really need to do this and get results?I’m not going to lie to you… to undo years of chronic pain treatment, you’re going to need to dedicate some time to learning, practicing, and getting coached! The membership is designed to give you support and resources without adding more to your plate. I designed this Academy to work for YOUR life and provide the amount of support that YOU need. The faster you want to see results, the quicker you can go through the steps. It is totally up to you. 🙂 The goal is to be spending time WISELY rather than wasting it through trial and error, constant doctor’s visits, medication side effects that sap your time and energy, and throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping it sticks. With the help and guidance of a health care practitioner and coach, you’ll spend your valuable time designing and implementing your own individualized wellness path that works.
How will I know where to start inside the Academy?I want you to be successful, not overwhelmed! That’s why the Academy is organized into a 5-Phase Pathway to health mastery [Graphic]. Members are also encouraged to utilize the Online Community and Group Coaching calls to ensure they’re getting the individualized attention, support, and coaching they deserve! That way, you’re always on the right path for you.
How do I cancel my membership, and what is the cancellation policy?Membership plans are offered on an ongoing basis. To ensure uninterrupted service, your subscription will be set to auto-renew. So, if you do decide to cancel, obviously I'll be very sad, but if you're intent on leaving, then you can contact me 7 days prior to your renewal date. I will cancel your membership, remove you from our private group, and suspend future payment processing.
Do you offer any guarantee?You’re protected by our 100% risk-free 14-day money-back guarantee. We paint a picture of possibility, as we know that our clients who embrace the work will see results. However, if you are unhappy with our Academy, I want to give you your money back. If after completing Stage 1, you decide that the program isn’t for you, email me at any time during the first 14 days and I’ll immediately send you a prompt and courteous refund. No refunds after 14 days.
Recommendations and information provided on this site are not intended as a substitute for appropriate medical care.
This website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Copyright © 2012-2024 by Be Healthy, LLC. All rights reserved.
Image shared under Free Creative Commons License or are from Ana's private gallery.