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HEAL Your Mind, Body and Soul

Healthy Boundaries During the Holiday Season
Happy Holidays!!! It's that time of the year once more!! Can you believe it's almost New Year? The holidays are just getting started and...

You Can Rewire your Brain!
Habits play an important role in our health. Understanding the science behind how we develop habits and learning how we can break those...

Natural Homemade Body & Face Scrub
Ingredient Sugar Face Scrub 1 tbsp coconut oil 2 tbsp organic cane sugar (or granulated brown sugar) 1 tbsp honey a clean container with...

Myofascial Decompression (Cupping)
By Peter Rumford Myofascial Decompression (MFD), or ‘cupping’, has been around for thousands of years. Recently it has re-gained...

Holistic Physical Therapy versus Traditional Insurance-Driven Physical Therapy
Laura Probert does a great job explaining the differences between insurance-driven practices and alternative/holistic cash-based...

Pilates and Back Pain
Working with a physical therapist trained in Pilates is an exceptional way to promote back health. For a back pain patient, It is...

Pilates for Fibromyalgia
According to the National Fibromyalgia Association, Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) is an increasingly recognized chronic pain illness...

Can exercise help with gastrointestinal problems?
Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle for anyone, and especially for people living with a chronic illness like...

Essential Oils for Pain Relief
Chronic pain consumes approximately $86 billion per year and affects over 80 million Americans. (2008, WebMD) Many of these either do not...

9 Remarkable Benefits of Cupping Therapy
August 8, 2016 by Susan Patterson/Natural Living 1. Pain relief Pain relief is one of the main reasons people use cupping. An analysis of...

What are Chakras?
There are 7 chakras in the human body, each vibrating at a different frequency. Energy flows through the chakras from one part of the...

Why the Difference Between Tendinitis and Tendinosis Matters
It is important to distinguish between these disorders in order to apply the most appropriate treatment. But what is the difference?...

Are You Obsessed with Your Body Image?
At a glance, it looks like our society is moving in the right direction with celebrating women’s bodies, standing up against...

7 Reasons to Chew Your Food Properly
You probably don't give much thought to chewing your food. For most of us, it's second-nature, and once you put food in your mouth,...

What IF....
How many times in our life we just don't do things because we are afraid of the worst-case scenario? What would you like to create in the...
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